DOUGBROWN.ORG Safe Secure Shopping Guaranteed

  • Safe Shopping Guaranteed!
    PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online. PayPal has over 100 million member accounts in 103 countries and regions. It's accepted by merchants everywhere, both on and off eBay.
  • Is it safe to use?
    PayPal helps protect your credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the merchant.

  • Why use PayPal?
    - Make purchases or send money with PayPal – it’s free
    - Shop and pay conveniently by saving your information with PayPal.
    - PayPal is accepted by millions of businesses worldwide and is the preferred payment method on eBay.

PayPal is an alternate method for purchasing your order. It enables any individual or business with an email address to securely send payments online. With a PayPal account, you can choose to pay with your credit card, debit card, bank account, or PayPal account balance for any purchase you make. Your credit card and bank numbers are never seen by the seller or merchant. Plus, you're 100% protected against unauthorized payments sent from your account.

PayPal Process
ˇ If you select PayPal as your payment option, you will continue through the standard checkout process then automatically proceed to to complete your payment.
ˇ Once you have been redirected to, you will have 25 minutes to complete the payment before your order is cancelled.

For more information, visit the PayPal Help Center.

How does PayPal work?
PayPal is used to securely send payments over the internet. You can choose to pay from your PayPal account balance, a credit card, debit card, or bank account. To make a purchase, select buy now from the link at Your funds are transferred immediately and securely.

How Do I Create a PayPal Account?
To get started, simply fill out the PayPal registration with your desired account type, country of residence, home address, and login information.

How secure is PayPal?
PayPal is highly secure and committed to protecting the privacy of its users. Its industry-leading fraud prevention team is constantly developing state-of-the-art technology to keep your money and information safe. When you use PayPal to send money, recipients never see your bank account or credit card numbers.

Shipping only USPS Ground within the Continental United States. Please allow 7 to 10 days to recieve items.

All Sales Final. If you have a question about your order please contact

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